1. Download the Da Vinci iOS app on your iPhone or iPad
  2. Open the app and press "Get Started"
  3. Navigate through the welcome screens or press "Skip"
  4. Create an age-specific profile for your child. You can create more profiles later in the app
  5. Select the skills you want your child to learn about
  6. Create your parent account using either your email address and a password or your Apple ID
  7. Choose a plan for after your 7-day free trial, cancel for free up to 24 hours before it ends if you don't want to continue with a paid subscription
  8. Confirm your subscription via the Apple pop-up
  9. Receive an Apple receipt and begin watching

Note: If you have a promo code, you should subscribe via our website rather than via the app. Unfortunately, app purchases do not support our promo codes.